Archie’s VBAC – Too much misinformation out there

The birth was everything we had hoped for! Everything we wanted to happen happened and it was the most amazing and magical time for both Tim and I. Using all the skills and information from She Births® was invaluable and also having our doula meant we had so many resources. We were both really well prepared for his birth.

I was 5 days late when I started pre-labouring. We stayed at home until they were 3-4 min apart which was around 2 am. Once at the Birth Centre then gave me an internal and I was 3cm, the contractions continued increasing in intensity but also giving me a break in between.

At 7 am I was 6cm – everyone was pleased apart from me as I let the numbers get to me and thought I wouldn’t be able to do another 4 hours of intense contractions. The midwife also felt that Archie’s head was slightly to one side which might prevent him coming down so they put me in a few different positions for a number of contractions – this meant I couldn’t move through the contraction which was incredibly painful. But it worked as by 8.30 am I went through transition – I don’t remember much about this time but Tim has filled me in.

I was in the bath for Archie’s birth and he came out very fast, in just a few contractions. Just after  all I kept saying was ‘I did it, I did it’. I was shocked, stunned and in love with my little boy. He was born at 9.01 am I had to have a few stitches and we had him checked over and were able to leave and get home for 2 pm, 12 hours after we left.

I am so pleased, amazed and thankful that I was able to experience natural labour and give birth to a healthy baby boy, Tim constantly tells me how proud he is. It still surprises me that people are so shocked when I say I had a natural birth after a C-section, there is so much misinformation out there about a VBAC.


archie's vbac
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