Birth story from Alexi Willemsen

She Births® loves to hear your birth stories. It brings so much joy to the team and we feel so grateful to be a part of your birthing education. Here is a quick Australian birth story from She Births® mama Alexi and the birth of her baby’s unassisted water birth.

Describe your birth experience in 3 words:

Empowering, intense, meditative

When was your birth?


Was it your first?


How did you prepare for birth?

I followed the She Births protocols by practising yoga, meditation and visualisation whilst following a healthy diet.

How did you bring your baby into the world?

Unassisted water birth in the delivery suite.

Who supported you throughout the birth?

My husband and midwife, however, due to the rapid pace I felt most at ease whilst staying focused in the birthing pool.

Alexi Willemsen partner holding baby

What was the most challenging part of the birth?

The drive to the hospital!

What most helped you through the birth experience?

Breathwork, understanding the physiological stages of labour and an awareness of the pain/fear axis.

Was there anything that surprised you on the day?

The rapid onset and duration of labour.

What has been the best post-birth care for you?

My Mum.

How did She Births help you?

Nadine’s passion, love and dedication to ensuring women have access to more empowered births emanates from the She Births® method. Through her teachings, I felt connected to the birthing process on a universal level, which provided a grounding sense of confidence and excitement. This in turn, greatly dissolved any fears and apprehension I may have been holding and served to deepen my yoga and meditation practice which aided my birthing experience immensely. I went into labour physically, mentally and spiritually prepared.

Alexi Willemsen holding her baby
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