USA here we come…She Births – LA, Boulder, NYC

It is with great excitement that Leroy and I are packing our holiday bags and getting ready for a big USA trip. My baby boy is off to an amazing school in Colorado for the Summer Term called The High Mountain Institute.

We are going to take a break together and then I will leave him there!!! AAAhhhh…. how quickly letting go comes around as a parent…Love and Let Go, Love and Let Go (rpt. rpt. rpt) From about 2 years old it’s what parenting is all about right?

So, if you have any mates ready for the world’s most comprehensive and scientifically verified program in the world… let them know we are coming !!!

I will be in Los Angeles, Boulder and New York meeting folks and planting seeds. Hoping to find venues and great people to work with.

I will return in October 2017 to run couples courses and in January 2018 to train USA doula’s/midwives.

In case you are wondering why the US needs She Births, consider this…

The United States:

  • Have seen a 500% increase in c-s rates over just 2 generations
  • They spend the most money on maternal health than any other country – approx. $5 Billion p.a.
  • Yet they rate the worst in maternal morbidity and mortality rates of all the developed countries

So many issues contribute to these horrendous stats. An unfair health system, litigation fears become over management of pregnancy, a lack of team work amongst different caregivers, limitations on access to providers or locales for birth choices…And the chronic birth fear that seems to be spreading like an epidemic.

Mostly it is no different to what we have here in Australia…just amplified… and possibly where we are heading unless our Govt and systems start to adopt innovation and change.

Ultimately change will come from the bottom up – from YOU, from US. All of us working together in support of better births that every woman around the world deserves.

If you have folks you think I should meet over in the U.S. then please send me a message or an introduction.

xxx Nadine


USA She Births
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