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Australian Birth Stories

Australian Birth Story of Amelia

She Births® loves to hear your birth stories. It brings so much joy to the team and we feel so grateful to be a part of your birthing education. Here is a quick Australian birth story from She Births® mama

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Australian Birth Stories

Mamas birth story of Tallulah Mae

Our labour story started on Monday morning at 1 am 1 week after my due date. I woke up with some slight cramping that felt like period cramps. I went to the toilet and returned to bed with the cramping

Victoria McFarlane 3
Australian Birth Stories

Overcoming language barriers and cultural differences birth story

A birth story from Victoria. She did the Full Online Course as she was living in Vietnam at the time. Read about her birthing experience, through difficult times with language barriers and cultural differences with the midwives and OB. How

Australian Birth Stories

Empowering birth of baby Alessio

I wanted to share my birth story with you and also the short video I created of our special day I attended the She Births course on the 18th Jan this year with Radha, I was 24 weeks pregnant

Australian Birth Stories

Rapheal Alexander Birth

Hi Nadine, I had my baby last Sunday (exactly on the due date). His name is Raphael Alexander, 8 pounds, 52 cms. I had Lucy and a lovely doula helping me and I can’t tell you how tireless, intuitive and

Australian Birth Stories

Kit’s Birth – A beautiful meditation

Dear Nadine, I wanted to personally say thank you in helping us to prepare for the birth of our little boy, Kit. Whilst due to a number of circumstances we didn’t get to have a completely natural birth, what you

Australian Birth Stories

Owen’s Birth – the birth we visualised

Oh my goodness! I forgot to write and announce Owen Lito Posada’s entrance to the world. !!! Second: our story. We were 13 days “overdue” and went to the birth centre for the induction conversation. I was almost 5cm dilated

Australian Birth Stories

Luka’s Birth – Hong Kong midwives surprised

Hi Nadine Just wanted to let you know that your She Births® meditations worked a treat over in Hong Kong. I listened to it while I dozed in the early stages of labour. I am convinced it works on a

Australian Birth Stories

Viggo’s Birth – Avoid inductions and have faith

Hi Nadine, Here is (finally ;-)) my birth story! On 31 August at 1.30 AM our son Viggo was born! How happy and blessed we feel with this gorgeous little boy! She Births was the best preparation for the delivery.

Australian Birth Stories

Sofia’s Birth – Preparing the body, mind and spirit

Dear Nadine, I just wanted to thank you with all my heart in front of the ladies that were at the She Births course with me that your course in conjunction with your meditations, your yoga classes and following the

Australian Birth Stories

Xavier’s Birth – All the tools worked

Just a short note to let you know that bub Xavier Harrison Hogarth entered the world last Thurs 2 December at 5.35 pm. He is a healthy bub weighing in at 3.7kgs and is just beautiful. He is currently sound

Australian Birth Stories

Rafael’s Birth – Ecstatic and humbling experience

Hi Nadine I don’t know if you’ve heard yet – we had a beautiful little BOY!!! Rafael, born on November 10th, weighing 3.6kg. We all feel so blessed and elated. He is a pretty chilled out little dude and is

Australian Birth Stories

Amelie’s Birth – Induced labour but calm and happy

Our little girl Amelie was born on July 16th (not premature but a few weeks before we were expecting her). Although I was induced with a drip due to complications with my liver (cholestasis) both Matt and I worked together

Australian Birth Stories

Ivy’s Birth – Amazing…just as we had hoped

What an amazing experience birth was. With your guidance and our commitment we had a 10 hour intervention free birth. Just what we had hoped for. Our love for her grows with every day. She is adorable. Thank you again.

Australian Birth Stories

Max’s Birth – Pain free labour

She Births® was much more comprehensive than the hospital prenatal classes. The massage techniques with the partners were beautiful and it made it feel like more of a spiritual experience than just a physical one…A loving experience rather than a

Australian Birth Stories

Freya’s Birth – A beautiful caesarean

She Births® was really fantastic for me and Nick. Nick really got a lot out of it and thought you were a really special teacher too. The women’s circle in between was amazing and has totally shifted my energy –

Australian Birth Stories

Zoe’s Birth – Arriving at hospital 9cm

I have the most perfect little creature in my arms, I feel amazing. Zoe Lynette Koller was born at 7.40 pm on Friday 30 April 2010. The birth was incredible, thanks to you and a handful of others. 14 hours

Australian Birth Stories

Teo’s Birth – Om’s and breathing

I want to thank you for the She Births® course. Your passion for birth really is contagious. After your course, I felt empowered and ready to look deep into my fears. I said your affirmations every day and did your

Australian Birth Stories

Hugo’s Birth – Preparation creates empowerment

To be honest I am very proud of myself to have been willing to give natural birth a go. Even the midwives in the private hospital sounded surprised when they heard I hadn’t had a pethidine shot or an epidural!

Australian Birth Stories

Milla’s Birth – All that we wanted, thanks to you!

Milla Chloe Briand was born at 2.14 am on the 14th of July 2010. Ben and I couldn’t have hoped for a better birthing experience. Labour was about 12 hours, all-natural, no tears or stitches. It was all that we

Tilly's Birth
Australian Birth Stories

Tilly’s Birth – Blissful Birth Meditation enabled her birth

She Births® was a lovely transition from work to parental leave. It was relaxing, informative and fun and allowed me to concentrate on being pregnant and our imminent birth. I particularly enjoyed the way Nadine effortlessly involved my partner in

Australian Birth Stories

Sunny’s Birth – The mind can assist the body

She Births® for us was the foundation for our birth, the course empowered me as a woman to trust in my body and gave me the confidence to use the breathing techniques, meditations, visualisations and active labour positions to assist

archie's vbac
Australian Birth Stories

Archie’s VBAC – Too much misinformation out there

The birth was everything we had hoped for! Everything we wanted to happen happened and it was the most amazing and magical time for both Tim and I. Using all the skills and information from She Births® was invaluable and

miraculous birth story
Australian Birth Stories

Miraculous Natural Posterior birth & a change of OB

Hi Nadine Just a quick email to let you know that Alan and I had our baby boy in the wee hours of Saturday morning (today is day 5 – first day home). I had a fully natural birth, utilising

malia birth story
Australian Birth Stories

Malia Rose’s water birth – Avoiding an induction

Hi Nadine, Here are some pics of our gorgeous baby girl Malia Rose born on 1st March. After acupuncture, acupressure and lots of bouncing she arrived 10 days late & we were very happy to avoid the induction. I had

Newborn feet skinning held by mother

High blood pressure transformed with She Births® techniques

Dear Nadine….I have already recommended your course to many pregnant friends. I am extremely grateful and also humbled by your generosity of spirit and knowledge about birth. Without a doubt, the weekend spent with you helped us achieve the birth

Olive's birth
Australian Birth Stories

Olive’s birth – 4 hour labour

Hi Nadine, Thought you might like to know I had a healthy baby girl called Olive! She is the most divine thing I’ve ever seen. I’m totally in love! I had an amazing birth, 10 hours pre labouring at home,

Eli's birth
Australian Birth Stories

Eli’s birth – Our St. Pat’s baby born in 7 hours

Hello Nadine! It is with great joy that I send you this quick email to let you know on Sunday March 17th at 7.16 am, Nathaniel & I welcomed into the world our little St Pats baby! Eli James Wayne

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